SirGard Cane Corsos




                          Italian Cane Corso Breeder.

 In New Jersey

SirGard Cane Corsos is an award-winning small hobby breeder located thirty minutes east of Philadelphia in South Jersey and is owned by Jim and Barbara and their two kids. One visit to their home, one quickly realizes how passionate they are about their dogs and consider them to a part of their family. SirGard is situated on approximately two and half acres of land, allowing the dogs plenty of room to run and play with their two kids JT & Sofia, who love the dogs, especially the little puppies.     


As the founders of SirGard, Jim & Barbara grew up with dogs, lots of them. Jim's family was partial to Golden Retrievers while he was growing up and he spent countless hours honing his dog training skills on many of the Goldens his family owned throughout the years.  While Barbara shared her home with multiple Great Danes and has become an Cane Corso expert in her how right over the last 19 years. Jim purchased his first Rottweiler in 1992 and started to actively show and work Rottweilers.  


Over the last 31 years, 23 of which he was involved in Cane Corsos. Jim has owned, worked with, bred and evaluated thousands of Cane Corsos/Large Dominant Breeds and the couple has imported dogs from all over the World. 

They have Championed/Titled multiple breeds in confirmation and working events, Jim has owner handled multiple all breed Best in Show winners, a National Specialty Winner and multiple National Specialty Awards of Merit Winners. He has attended countless breed seminars, donated time and money and participating in local rescue efforts and evaluated/assisted large dominant breeds for Animal Control, Animal Shelters and other trainers. 

Jim has been member of multiple breed clubs and working clubs, and he has volunteered his time as working with the ICCF, SACCI and CCAA Breed Clubs.  

Over the years Jim's knowlege of the breed as been recognized by his piers all over the world and he was selected as;

  • The AKC Parent Breed Cane Corso Club Working Committee Chairperson.
  • The SACCI National Specialty Working Judge.
  • The SACCI National Specialty Certified Decoy.
  • The AKC Parent Breed Cane Corso Club National Specialty Breed Specific Temperament Evaluator.
  • The AKC Parent Breed Cane Corso Club & SACCI Working Club Decoy.
  • The AKC Parent Breed Cane Corso Club Election Oversight Committee Chairperson.
  • The representative for AKC Parent Breed Cane Corso Club and was in charge of the First ever "Meet the Breeds" at the Javits Center in New York City in 2010 when the Cane Corso recieved AKC recognition.  
  • 2017 ICCF National Specialty Judge at the ICCF Raduno.

In closing, SirGard's goal is to produce exceptional healthy Italian Cane Corsos with outstanding temperaments for you and your family to enjoy.  SirGard stands behind their dogs and offers lifetime support.  To get more information on the Cane Corso or to inquire about future litters, please e-mail Jim at;


July 2023 Update;

Check out our "upcoming litters" page for details on our next litter.

Check out our "Trained Puppies" page to see some pups that are available. 

 If you are interested in one of the pups, please  e-mail us at
